The Before

Client's Wish List Included:
*Relaxing Room For her 3 boys with a subtle educational feel
*Storage for the kids coats, shoes, backpacks, and books
*Window treatment that provide darkness
* The bed, Bedding made by their Grandmother, dresser and
* The bed, Bedding made by their Grandmother, dresser and
their Great Grandfather's storage box untouched left in the room
*No toys allowed
The After

Upon entering the room!

10 ' Custom designed blackout curtains
that frame the arched window, as well as
their great-grandfathers storage box.

wainscoting, painted the room and sewed.

Educational handmade art .

Photos provided by Meredithrae Photography
Click here to see more of her work
Photos provided by Meredithrae Photography
Click here to see more of her work